Why choose us
Our Experience
Quality of our services
The support we offer
We empower people to build great organizations.
At Banel International, we are more than just a training institution, we are a community of entrepreneurs and business owners who are dedicated to helping each other succeed. We understand that starting and growing a business can be a challenging and often lonely endeavor, which is why we provide a supportive community of like-minded individuals to share knowledge, ideas and best practices.
We specialize in providing relevant, practical training and resources that are tailored to the unique needs of small business owners and entrepreneurs. We offer a wide range of programs, workshops, and mentorship opportunities that cover a variety of topics such as business development, marketing, sales, leadership and management, and much more. Our modules are highly practical and can be delivered in a variety of formats such as in-person, online, or on-demand.
Our team of expert consultants possess years of experience across diverse fields, and are ready to provide you with the knowledge and expertise you need to take your business to the next level. Whether you’re looking to start a new business, grow an existing one, or simply improve your skills, we have the resources and support you need to achieve your goals.
Our vision is “To lead the delivery of excellence in entrepreneurship and career development” and our mission is “We empower people to build great organizations.” We believe that by providing the training, resources, and support you need, we can help you achieve your full potential as an entrepreneur. Join our community today and let us help you take your business to the next level.
We empower people to build great organizations.
To lead the delivery of excellence in entrepreneurship and career development.
Our Experience
Quality of our services
The support we offer
Co-founder & President,
Experienced cost consultant and project manager. Currently a PM at Matras Engineering, CEO of Quabynah Limited, and co-founder of BANEL International.
Legal Advisor
A licensed lawyer with expertise in finance, economics, and law, specializing in commercial and criminal law. He serves as the Board Secretary of Ashanti Ports Services Limited.
Co-founder & Executive Director,
Experienced Customer Service Expert with over a decade’s experience in the Banking and Telecom sectors
HR & Admin Manager
MBA and a degree holder in HR from Accra Business School and Central University respectively and is currently works at an Engineering and Construction consulting firm.